Introductionary education at work

Coming home at half past seven after attending a introductionary education of the assesments of work is nothing strange, right? However it was very interesting and I learned a lot about the school's IT system... Nerdy yeah... I'm now an "official PC supporter" at my division for PC support at school! It's a way of earing extra cash whilst it is close to school, hence having school and work at the same place! Couldn't it be better?!

Anyway it is late and I'm tired, however just wanted to tell you to check out my relative's production of music, so far he has been mixing songs!

Good night!

Acoustic House music?

After been studying for several hours I now have an official break, so I went googleing and facebooking. Eventually I found this video of a swedish guy playing a cover of Aviicii's song Fade into darkness and I do find it quite good actually, or what you say? Anyway time to head back to corporate finance or international economics, eitherway it's going to be late tonight.

Bättre än att skjuta sig själv i foten!

Olof Palmes gata, Stockholm

Kille 1 ~15 (tittar på minnesmärket för Olof Palme och säger till sin killkompis ~15): Var det här Olof Palme blev skjuten?

Kille 2: Ja.

Kille 1: Shit, vilken otur att bli skjuten på sin egen gata.


Sista dagen på Lehman Brothers

Lehman Brothers var ett av de största investmentbolagen i USA som gick omkull under finanskrisen och denna bild publicerades för att beskriva hur det gick för cheferna som förlorade sina jobb...

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